The Messier Catalog For Windows 8
In the 20th century, astronomers and historians added seven more objects to the list. These were not just arbitrary objects, but ones that Messier and Méchain made observing notes about shortly after the final version of the catalogue was published.
Other than the prominent stars labeled on the published paper atlases at that time, the night sky was still largely uncharted then. The sky was still largely uncharted then, except for the prominent stars labeled on the published paper atlases. On Aug. 28, 1758, Messier spotted a possible comet in the constellation of Taurus, but when it didn't alter its position, he knew it was permanent feature of the deep sky. He decided to catalog these uncharted "comet imposters," starting with this first object, which we now know as the Crab Nebula, or Messier 1.
Every astronomy sky-charting app includes the list of 110 objects, referring to it as the Messier list or Messier catalog. The objects are designated by their "M-codes, M1 through M110 (or Messier 1 through Messier 110). Amateur astronomers commonly refer to the group as the Messiers. Most of these famous objects also have proper names, such as the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), the Pleiades (M45) and the Beehive Cluster (M44). Your app might be configured to display the proper names instead of the numbers.
I am preparing to donate an old PC to our local astronomy club for use in our observatory. It's running Windows 10 x64. I recently discovered an app in Microsoft's app store for the Messier catalog, but I can't seem to find one for the NGC catalog (There is an NGC app in microsoft's store, but it only works on WIndows 8 mobile platforms).
I should also add that our observatory has no internet access, so ideally I'd want a catalog that doesn't require internet access. I'm looking for something I can download and run exclusively from the PC itself.
The Stars section allows you to manage how stars aredisplayed in KStars. You can choose to see the stars or not by checking theStar catalogs checkbox. If you check it, then multipleoptions will be enabled. Thus, you can set how many stars are drawn on the mapusing the Star density: slider. You can also customizeKStars to toggle star name and magnitudes.Star names are drawn next to bright stars. To display labels of fainter stars,increase the Label density: slider.
This section aims at introducing the catalog database of KStars in simple but technical terms. It can be skipped without missing anything essential but helps understanding how to deal with and create (custom) catalogs.
DSO catalogs in KStars are just SQL (sqlite3) database tables. Eachcatalog is represented by its own table which contains all its objectsand an entry in a catalog metadata table. Additionally, catalogs may beimported or exported from and into stand-alone database files.
Each object has the usual properties like name and coordinates butadditionally features two IDs. The first ID is the unique identifierfor the specific object and is calculated by hashing all the object fieldsalong with the catalog id. Because objects can be contained in severalcatalogs each object has an additional object id (OID) that identifiesthe physical object and may be shared by several objects of differentcatalogs.
To speed up object lookup all enabled catalogs are merged into amaster table. Each catalog has a priority number and if severalobjects with the same OID occur the one from the catalog with thehighest priority is loaded. The objects from the master catalog arethen drawn on the sky and generally available in KStars.
Currently, deduplication (the assignment of OIDs) is only supported bythe tooling ofthe catalogpackaging repository. The aim of this tool-chain is toreproducibly build catalogs in a homogeneous environment. Everycatalog isimplemented as a python module and provides standard methods to acquiredata, parse it and find duplicates in other catalogs. Alldownloadable catalogs are implemented this way. If you'd like to makea catalog of your own available for KStars, it is recommended that youimplement it as a package in the repository. The tooling providedthere is so flexible, that it should work for you. For moreinformation on how to do that seethe catalog repositorydocumentation. If you are not familiar with python programmingyou can request the addition of a catalog by opening a ticket in therepository orcontacting themaintainers. KStars provides also provides means to createcustom catalogs by manually entering data or importing CSV tables, butthose are less flexible and offer no deduplication.
In the top right you can choose whether coordinates are beingexpressed in degrees orhours/minutes/seconds. The Mapping section letsyou map columns in the CSV file to data fields inKStars. Selecting Ignore assigns the defaultvalue for this field. Entering your own text will use this as thevalue for every object being read. The TypeMapping section maps strings to object types. You can addand remove mappings by clicking +or -. When you're done mapping, you can testyour settings by clicking Preview to read thefirst few objects from the csv. If you are satisfied you canclick OK to import the whole catalog or adjustyour settings and preview again. As a reference, a mapping for theOpenNGC catalog is shown in the below screenshot.
So, what exactly is a Messier Marathon? You'll soon find out as this guide will introduce to its history, the objects involved, and helpful observing tips, including some insightful information from Celestron's own Northeast Regional Sales Manager, Ed McDonough and Product Development Manager, Lance Lucero. In 2021, Ed participated in his first Messier Marathon and successfully observed 108 of the 110 deep-sky objects listed in the Messier catalog, while Lance participated back in the 1990s and successfully observed all 110 Messier objects using a star atlas! If you're ready for a new observing challenge or want to re-ignite your passion for astronomy, why not participate in this year's Messier Marathon?
Today, countless amateur and professional astronomers around the world refer to Charles Messier's journal, widely known as the Messier catalog. While the catalog does not contain all of the popular celestial targets, it does feature many of the brightest targets seen from the Northern Hemisphere because Messier did his observations from Paris.
In all, the Messier catalog features 110 entries called Messier objects. Each object is defined by an "M-code" Messier 1 or M1 through M110. There was controversy over M102 because Messier did not provide coordinates for this galaxy. Its original discoverer, Pierre Méchain, a fellow French astronomer and colleague of Messier, believed it was a duplicate of M101. Historical evidence has shown that M102 was indeed a galaxy known as NGC 5866, which NASA also considers valid.
The Messier catalog consists of an asterism, a double star, elliptical galaxies, an irregular galaxy, lenticular galaxies, spiral galaxies, a Milky Way patch, diffuse nebulae, planetary nebulae, globular star clusters, open star clusters, and a supernova remnant. Most of these objects also have proper names. You might recognize The Great Orion Nebula (M42), Andromeda Galaxy (M32), the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13), and the Ring Nebula (M57), to name a few.
Contrary to popular belief, Messier did not discover all the objects in his catalog. He found 40 plus of some of the largest and brightest objects with various small telescopes. Later on, other astronomers added objects to the catalog. The final entry, M110, joined the catalog in 1967, long after Messier's death. Here is the Messier catalog that astronomers use today.
THE PMC-EIGHT GOTO SYSTEM JUST AWARDED A SKY AND TELESCOPEHOT PRODUCT FOR 2018The Explore Scientific EXOS2-GT with PMC-8 Electronics is quite unique and special. Most of the serious amateur mounts on the market today offer single processors. The PMC-8 electronics are extremely robust. They include a 2-Channel Multi-Processor Micro-controller with 8 CPUs that run independently and are completely deterministic in their behavior, thus the name PMC-8. Within this multi-processor system is a 64 Kbyte EEPROM Non-Volatile Memory bank used to store parameters; a Wireless Ethernet 10/100 with full IP function which permits operation from anywhere using a browser, ASCOM, or APP over the web or serial port; and Non-Volatile Memory used to store user selected parameters. The electronics also includes an Auto-Guide port (ST4 contact input) and features the only wireless ASCOM driver on the market. The belt driven system uses 2 timing pulleys (1-45 groove and 1-10 groove) with fiberglass re-enforced neoprene belt connected to a Nema11 bi-polar stepper .67 amps 12ncm motor then connected to the worm. Precise ball bearings in both axes ensures minimal backlash at all nine possible tracking speeds. The included battery pack (12 V) takes eight size "D" batteries. The head rests on a very tough and rigid stainless steel tripod with adjustable 2" legs from 26.8" to 42.5" and can support up to 28 lbs. of equipment. This system is all controlled from a tablet, notebook or desktop pc with 7" display and WIN8.1, WIN10, iOS or Android 4.4 with a beautiful full graphical user interface using our very own ExploreStars OpenGoto® Software. The ExploreStars OpenGoto® Software has the same basic functions as most all other mounts on the market today. ExploreStars is a free App downloadable from the Microsoft App store and GooglePlay. The basic download includes a standard 2 star or 3 star alignment procedure, over 70,000 star database, the Messier Catalog and Solar System objects. The software interface features a Classic four-button pattern for guiding, centering, moving and slewing on the touch screen of your tablet or phone. Pull-down menus open to offer the intuitive 2 star and 3 star alignment procedure, selection of the various catalogs, guided tours, the sync button, the park position, search feature and the coordinate input screen to enter RA and DEC coordinate information. Numerical key pad allows for selectable and user enterable GOTO speeds for slewing, centering and guiding rates. You can also set sidereal, king, lunar, solar, and user defined tracking rates. 2b1af7f3a8