Document your message Brazil Mobile Number List architecture.Write your message architecture. Keep it tight. (the three examples above use less than 60 words each.) capture not only the adjectives people chose during the exercise, but also the spirit of the ongoing conversation. As margot says, “words are precious, but meaningless without Brazil Mobile Number List context or priority.”words are precious, but meaningless without context or priority, srciarjohnston. Click to tweetwhen shaping your message architecture, keep an open mind. A bulleted list may suffice, but you may want to go further. Experience. Turn your words into pictures. Sculpt them in clay. Let the message architecture itself be your guide. Is the first attribute of your business “fancy”? Stencil the elements of your message architecture onto helium balloons, letting the most
Important literally float upwards.Send Brazil Mobile Number List your message architecture to stakeholders for review. Revise it until people agree that you have your north star. (star-shaped balloons, anyone?)6. Distribute your message architecture.Share the message architecture with everyone who creates and maintains your Brazil Mobile Number List company's content.7. Keep communicating.Creating a message architecture does not guarantee that people will use it. Follow through to keep the team in sync – a task carrie hane dennison calls strategic nagging. Even the most enthusiastic professionals need to remember what they are doing and why.For more on this card sorting exercise, check out these two books:margot
Bloomstein, content strategy Brazil Mobile Number List at work (chapter 2)meghan casey, the content strategy toolkit (pp. 195–197)conclusion“I start almost every engagement by helping my clients develop message architecture,” margot said with me. "It's a simple deliverable that serves as the basis for all of our subsequent tactical decisions Brazil Mobile Number List and activities."Message architecture. Easy. Fundamental. Useful. And - if approached with an open mind - fun. What more could you ask from a tool? Try this one. Let us know how it works for you.Related content on hand:scaling content marketing: how csc makes the content center worksign up for our weekly content strategy for marketers email newsletter ,