Why Is Windows 10 UI Still A Mess \/\/FREE\\\\
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If you want the biggest example of how little they care you need to look at the UI and function of Sharepoint.%20 spaces, different valid characters in filenames, aggressive hostility towards using File Explorer to perform functions, different messages/dialogues/behaviour for different operations than normal file management, completely inconsistent dialogues for file access control, different sharing/collaboration function (eg. no sharing/collaboration for Excel files), no Autosave function (eg. Word) for Sharepoint files.
This design guide was created for Windows 7 and has not been updated for newer versions of Windows. Much of the guidance still applies in principle, but the presentation and examples do not reflect our current design guidance.
To determine the appropriate message type, focus on the most important aspect of the issue that users need to know or act upon. Typically, if an issue blocks the user from proceeding, you should present it as an error; if the user can proceed, present it as a warning. Craft the main instruction or other corresponding text based on that focus, then choose an icon (standard or otherwise) that matches the text. The main instruction text and icons should always match.
Over time and into the Windows 8.1 timeframe, more options were copied from the Control Panel to Settings. I liked that Microsoft was making progress, but it was still confusing because the majority of these configuration options were available in both places. Where are you supposed to go to configure this or that?
"When the system looks for a driver to use for a particular piece of hardware, it ranks them according to various criteria. If a driver provides a perfect match to the hardware ID, then it becomes a top candidate. And if more than one driver provides a perfect match, then the one with the most recent timestamp is chosen. If there is still a tie, then the one with the highest file version number is chosen"
Changing languages appears to do something since the text did changed as well; but still it's the same mess like if it were an entire new font or whatever.If changing the font only affects how the messy characters look, then I think it might be a decoding issue because that reminds me when the IDE and serial monitor on a western-language OS tries to decode, for example, russian characters encoded in the "extended-ASCII" space (0x80 - 0xFF) to fit as 8-bit character strings.
First, there is the option to hide Cortana: Simply right-click the Windows 10 Taskbar and select Show Cortana Button. The Cortana halo ring disappears. She's still active and easily accessible, however. Tap the Windows key on your keyboard and start typing.
.NET 6.0 introduces Blazor desktop applications, which still use web technology but are wrapped to run as native applications. "It is primarily aimed at web developers that want to provide rich client and offline experiences for their users," said Lander.
The attraction of both Blazor and MAUI is full-stack C# so that developers need only work with C# and .NET. The problem is that Microsoft has too many different approaches, diluting both its effort and its pitch to developers. It is also somehow still missing a lightweight cross-platform GUI for .NET Core.
But the challenge is to extend its appeal beyond its heartland of Windows developers who have grown up with the platform. The key to this is ASP.NET Core, rather than proliferation in the number of ways developers can build a cross-platform GUI application (and still losing to JavaScript and to Flutter), which is why among all the new features the idea of simplifying the ASP.NET Core framework for new developers may prove to be the most significant.
Also, don?t underestimate how many companies still have WinForms applications that are important to their daily operations. You could do worse than to specialize in maintaining, improving or porting these applications.
All said and done, WinForms, and even MFC are still around, running on hundreds of thousands of PCs and continue to be updated, though no one talks about it. These days, everyone jumps on the latest new shiny thing. Silverlight? Adobe Air? Choose wisely.
hey guys, windows forms is not dead at all. it is still used for data centric enterprise application. In Europe it is used extensively in the banking, and financial sectors quite a lot. Microsoft also ported it to .NET Core. Is it dead??? Not at all!
The WinForms UI is as old as windows. The controls in use have not change much since the late eighties and applications were written in C code and a the windows message loop. Applications now hide the Windows Message loop but its still there as a integral part of Windows. There are hundreds of thousands of WinForms applications still in existence used in homes and businesses. WinForms applications are very efficient but deployment on a large scale is difficult. Its the battle of Distributed (WinForms) versus the Centralised (Web) application model that has been going on for more than forty years. There will always be a place for WinForms applications.
The problem is Microsoft. Their strategy has been a mess since they were so impressed by Apple they try to mimic. Microsoft always tries to force people to move the direction the company wants so they do weird choices but change their mind mid way.
I liked the way winforms was easy to learn but hated the bugs and the diffulties to custromize the UI. WPF on the other hand is a real mess, hard to learn, still not that cool after all and now almost dead.
Your PC meets the Windows 11 minimum system requirements: If your PC meets the Windows 11 minimum system requirements and passes the PC Health Check with flying colors, that still doesn't mean Microsoft will let you upgrade to Windows 11.
Unfortunately, the web view has its own share of issues. For example, you can notice stutters while scrolling and the scroll bar is white in dark mode. It does not behave like the scroll bars in other windows apps where the scroll bar matches the theme of the app.
If you're only building for Windows then Windows App SDK is the way to go.However, if you're looking to go cross platform, or there's even a potential to go cross platform, I would encourage looking at either Maui or Uno as an abstraction layer over WinUI. I favour Uno Platform for a couple of reasons- Stability - it's been in market long enough that it's robust, well tested and yet is still releasing frequent updates (and bug fixes are available via the continuous deployment on nuget)- Platforms - unlike Maui, the Uno Platform supports web assembly (WASM), making it a great solution for building mobile, desktop and web- NO WinUI Abstraction - unlike Maui, the Uno Platform doesn't provide an abstraction layer over WinUI - you build a WinUI application and then use the Uno Platform to target the other platforms. Even though technically you can retrofit Uno to an existing WinUI application, I would highly recommend starting from one of the Uno Platform templates
Firefox caches websites, which means it saves some files on your machine so that it doesn't have to re-download everything when you visit sites. If a website has updated their code, Firefox may still be using some of the old code along with some of the new, which can make a web page display incorrectly. To fix this, you need to clear the cookies and cache:
If you continue to have errors, an addon or macro may have changed a console variable. You can reset this by typing the following command into your in-game chat box and pressing enter. You may receive a permission error, but the command will still work.
In 2019, Apple finally decided it was time to separate iTunes into different apps, so the company discontinued the software and replaced it with the Music, TV, and Podcasts apps in macOS Catalina. Having a dedicated Apple Music app is great, but this never solved the main problems of iTunes since the Music app on macOS is still almost entirely based on the old software.
I was hearing that functional programming languages were the new / hot / upcoming thing, when I was in college (around 1980). Guess it is still. Or not. At least in some corners. Mostly used Lisp in school.
If you take a look on real world java projects (e.g. in github) you will find manyprojects that follow data encapsulation (using private fields) butviolates information hiding by using getter and setter.They still follow the procedural programming: fetch data (getter), calculate, store data (setter).Is it also not surprising that such projects produces spagetthi code andare really bad to understand and to maintain.My static code analysis is to count (grep) the getter and setter per line of a project.
For now we mix and match what works. There will still be those new tool that come out that many will be convinced is the tool or paradigm but the nature of the industry and the people in it is to continually search for better ways to do things and so the new things will come and go, be assimilated or forgotten.
Interesting article that omits at least one elephant in the room: SQL. The SQL standard had virtually no provision or requirements for OOP concepts until structured types in SQL 1999 and still today not all major vendors support that and none supports it fully, I believe. Yet its easy to think of a table as an object and a function as a method, but the two are not usually bound together, with triggers and structured types being possible exceptions. But then SQL offers a kind of declarative programming which is neither oop nor strictly imperative and not fully covered by those paradigms or the functional paradigm for that matter.
The question is why OOP is still taught by those that should know better and why researchers still waste time trying to invent a perpetual motion machine. The answer is probably that the other alternative, functional programming, is even more useless. 2b1af7f3a8