Offering them the ability to unsubscribe seems like a personal goal. Raise your hand to anyone who hasn't felt that deep inside. It's extremely tempting to keep your database subscribers in any way possible, especially when you've put so much time and effort into building the list seamlessly and haven't taken any shortcuts. But it's a temptation you need to overcome, because the damage it can cause far outweighs the benefits , when compared to managing your unsubscribers wisely . Let's see why. Transparency, reputation and deliverability let's start with some basic statistics: every day, each user receives an average of one hundred emails (data: radicati 2015) , and the trend should continue to grow. In this flood of emails,
Users may forget that they have already signed up to receive communications from us, or they may simply realize that they are not interested in them. So they have the company mailing list problem of how to prevent them from happening. There are two possible options : if there is a clearly visible unsubscribe button, they can simply click on it and instantly remove themselves from the database. If they don't find an unsubscribe button, they will mark the message as spam or junk, which may have undesirable consequences for the sender. We all like to think that our communications are so interesting and our offers so attractive
That no one would want to miss them, but in fact it is completely healthy and normal to have a certain percentage of unsubscribers because it allows us to protect certain things which are vital for us:company reputation deliverability compliance with confidentiality rules the reputation of the sender's domain when it comes to deliverability, providing a simple and safe opt- out option to anyone who no longer wishes to receive communications reduces the likelihood of them being marked as spam and limits damage to our reputation. When it comes to customer relations, it's important to remember that no one likes to feel trapped; any interaction with a company must be spontaneous, desired, pleasant and freely