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Miss Trimble's variable orchids will provide nectar for hummingbirds early in the morning or late in the evening. Most of the time, these plants will be single or a small group, but some species can grow in large clumps.
This group of plants becomes a harsh-looking foliage in the fall, with most species turning shades of red, orange, and brown. The flowers fall off like petals. A few of the species bloom in the spring, which is another exciting time to see this feature of the state. Like many other plants in Florida, this group of plants need water in the summer months.
These plants require medium-size, well-draining soil. Like many plants in Florida, frost is not a concern, especially in the South. The plant requires full sun, but it will need water during the winter months.
Two rare flowers, this plant offers a silent visit to the gardens, particularly for the hummingbirds and bees that love them. In the heart of their blooming season, from January to May, these plants will attract cuteness and vitality. d2c66b5586