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Nu poti sa le descarci pe toate. Reda de pe site-ul nostru incepandu-ne de la primul volum pe site.Muzica Veche Anii 80 DownloadPokazi puteti folosi acest muzicaj poate ca nu este de folosit de toata lumea.Muzica Veche Anii 80 Download Mp3 DownloadTop Muzica usoara mp3 download Top Muzica usoara.Download muzica veche gratis difuzata.Muzica Veche Anii 80 DownloadMuzica Anii 80 - 90Muzica Veche Anii 80 DownloadMuzica Veche Anii 80 DownloadMuzica Veche Anii 80 DownloadMuzica Veche Anii 80 Download.Audioclipuri muzica vecheEffects of pregnancy on the pharmacokinetics of imipramine and desipramine in the rat.
The pharmacokinetics of imipramine and desipramine was studied in female rats during pregnancy and lactation. Drug absorption was markedly reduced in pregnant animals. The volume of distribution was increased in both groups and was higher in pregnant animals. The total body clearance was lower in lactating rats. The higher volume of distribution and the lower body clearance may account for the decreased efficiency of distribution to the fetus and the reduced biotransformation of the metabolites. It is suggested that in pregnant women the serum levels of imipramine and desipramine may be falsely high.[The relationship between the patient's age, sex, alcohol, smoking, and the occurrence of complications of diabetes mellitus].
The Authors undertook a study, in the period January 1990-June 1991, of 313 type 2 diabetic patients who had been hospitalized and treated in our department. The relationships between age, sex, alcohol, smoking and the occurrence of complications were analyzed. Patients were divided into two groups: group I consisted of patients with complications, group II patients without complications. The general characteristics of the two groups were also analyzed in order to compare them. No statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups with regard to the age, sex, alcohol and smoking habits of the two groups. However, patients with complications were characterized by a significantly higher prevalence of associated endocrine diseases, particularly adrenal and thyroid, than those without complications.
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