Mapbasic 10.0 Download
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mapcatalyzer makes it easy to add point, line, linestring, polygon, multipolygon, multipoint, and multilinestring data formats to a shapefile. Data formats supported by mapcatalyzer include: DBF, GDBF, GDF, GPSB, DB, CSV, KML, and BNG. Shapefile support is also supported by mapcatalyzer, although this functionality is not included in the provided data format for this article.
This is an incremental patch that will update MapInfo Pro 10.0.3 to MapInfo Pro 10.0.3 Build 220. This patch can be applied to the release versions of MapInfo Pro 10.0.3, MapBasic, and ProViewer. This patch is not valid for any pre-releases of MapInfo Pro v10.0, MapBasic, or ProViewer. There are no user interface changes, and it can be safely applied to any localized releases of MapInfo Pro v10.0.
As the name suggests, MapInfo Pro is based on a database. DBs are designed to make it easy to keep information in a centralized location. By default, your TOGO bird's-eye view will be stored in your default simple feature class (SFC). Since stes and polygon shapes also use geometries, a variety of tools in MapInfo Pro 10.0, MapBasic, and ProViewer make it easy to convert a polygon to a feature class. For more information on creating feature classes and polygon to polygon conversions, please see the article on the Features tab of the main menu. Drawing tools like arrows, coordinates, layers, and highlighting are provided to make interaction with your drawing tools easy. You can also print your picture or drawing map in any vector format supported by your printer using the Print Map tool. d2c66b5586