Chilean socialism, and the Bolivian Movement for Socialism); Two supporters Country Email List of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front have been murdered after participating in an act of the left-wing formation. While the investigations continue, a pin others, he flew straight Country Email List to the government like an unexpected bolt of lightning (Hugo Chávez, Rafael Correa and, in part, Néstor Kirchner); In all cases, the "new left," which at its zenith came to govern all South American countries except Colombia and Peru, prioritized access to Country Email List power over abstract discussions. And from there it deployed a series of policies that allowed it, in a context that was certainly favorable due to the rising prices of raw materials, to combine three things: macroeconomic sustainability (except in.
Venezuela and in part in Argentina, the management of the Country Email List macro was sober) ; extensive income transfer policies that allowed for tremendous inclusion impulses (especially in the most disadvantaged areas, such as the Bolivian highlands and the Brazilian Northeast); and a political-institutional continuity that allowed long cycles of reforms. The debate that divided the various members of the family on the left, More practical Country Email List than theoretical, it Country Email List referred to the best path to advance in the proposed transformations: promote a constitutional reform that would institutionally reset the country to start from a "year zero", as Chávez, Morales and Correa did, or guarantee greater continuity, by style of Lula da Silva.
Kirchner or Tabaré Vázquez? Unlike the debate of the 1960s, Country Email List this discussion, summed up in the Chavismo/Lulismo dichotomy, did not allude to the depth of the reforms (there is no way to argue that, in fact, Lula da Silva was less reformist than Correa, or Country Email List Kirchner than Evo Morales), but to the best way to put them into practice. as Chávez, Country Email List Morales and Correa did, or guarantee greater continuity, in the style of Lula da Silva.