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The raw files created by TDS data collector programs are alsocompatible without conversion.The command Data Collectors on the Tools menu has options forreading other datacollectors native file formats and converting them to raw data (.RW5)format. Within the raw data editor,the File menu includes an import menu for converting raw data fromother formats.
Edit-Process Raw Data File uses a spreadsheet for editing theraw data as shown. Each row of the spreadsheet is represented by anumber located at the far left side of the editor. Variousmessages and reports often reference possible problems withthe data by this row number. Each rowof the spreadsheet represents one record of data. There are 14 types ofdata records. The type ofdata record is shown in the first column. Different record types usedifferent numbers ofcolumns. Whenever the data record type changes between rows, a recordheader is added to thespreadsheet that describes each column of data in the following row. Toedit the raw data, simply highlight the cell and type in the new value.To change the type ofrecord, pick on the down arrow in the first column and choose a newdata type from the list. To deletea row, highlight any cell in the row and hit the Delete key or chooseDelete Row from the Editmenu. Records can be added pressing the Insert key, pressing the downarrow key from the last linein the spreadsheet, or by choosing one of the add records from the Addmenu.
DS (Description)The description record is an additional note that appears in thespreadsheet editor and printouts. This record can contain variousinformation that is recorded in data collectors during fieldoperations. This data can vary from user, temperature and generaldata to each line of data associated with \"Set Collection\". When\"Sets\" of data collected using various brands of data collectionsoftware is converted/imported into the raw editor, the actualmeasurements made during the spinning of the angles and distances arerecorded as DS records and the mean value of the angle and distance isrecorded as a SS record. DS records are not used in processing.
CL (Closing Shot)The closing shot record is the traverse record where the foresightpoint is the closing point forthe traverse. This record is used by the adjustment commands in theProcess menu. There shouldbe only one CL record in each Traverse loop (Name Record) in the rawfile. If there is no CLrecord, the process adjustment routines will prompt for which shot isthe closing shot. The closing shot can also be define in thefield by using special codes defined in the Open Settings found underthe File pulldown within the editor. Please refer to the \"OpenSettings\" documentation below for more information on thesecodes.
AB (Angle Balance)The Angle Balance record is the measurement data observed thatcloses the angles of the traverse. Typically this record is themeasurement data recorded from the closing shot to the initialbacksight point. The backsight could be either external orinternal to the traverse. Angle Balanceroutine in the Process menuuses this record and compares the angle between the occupied point andforesightpoint of this record with auser-specified reference angle. There should be only one AB record inthe raw file. If there is no ABrecord, then the Angle Balance routine will prompt for which shot touse as the angle balance.
EL(Elevation Only) This record sets the elevation in the CRD file for the specifiedpointnumber. Often used when an existing point with good verticalcontrol is being traversed through. Using this record type forthe point would keep the elevation from changing on the existing pointregardless of the measurement data.
GPS This recordcontains the Latitude and Longitude of a point as measured by GPSsurveying equipment using Carlson SurvCE data collectionsoftware. This record has additional information tied to it suchas localization files, geoid files, coordinate projection systemsetc. This record has its own processing routine in the Processpulldown within the editor. Processing procedures are discussedin the Process (Compute Pts) pulldown documentation.
ImportThese routines convert raw data from other formats into the currentCarlson RW5 format.The converted raw data will be added to the end of any existing data inthe editor. In many cases,the raw data file to import can be downloaded directly from the datacollector or instrument usingthe Data Collectors command. The following supported formats(along with their standardfile extension) are listed here. Some Sample File Formats are listed attheend of this section.
Fieldbook (.FBK): This export routine provides an optionto \"Setup Fieldbook Codes\". This allows the user to substitutethe raw description contained in the rw5 file with the fieldbook codeused in AutoDesk Land Desktop.
FL DOT (.OBS)GPS Data (.TXT;*)Land XML (.XML)MOSS (.MOS)SDMS (.PRJ) This export routine provides an option to \"Setup SDMSCodes\". This allows the user to substitute the raw descriptioncontained in therw5 file with the SDMS codes used in SDMS program.
SpreadsheetColors: Thisoption allows for the assignment of colors torecord types. To change/define the color for a particular record,select SpreadsheetColors from the Display pulldown within the raw editor. From theColor Settings dialog selectthe record to edit by clicking on the select button next tothe desired record.
Display>HideRow: Thisoption allows for hiding single or multiplerows. This could be used to prevent crucial information frombeing accidently altered during editing of data or data entry. Hiding arecord does not exclude it from processing. To hide arecord click on the row number at the far left of the editor. Theentire row of data will highlight, now select the Hide Rowoption. Multiple rows or data can be selected by selecting thefirst row of data to hide then while holding down the shift key on thekeyboard, select the last row to hide. All rows in between thesetwo selections will be highlighted, now select Hide Row. When arow or rows of data are hidden, the row numbers will reflect the hiddenrows. For example, Figure 2 below shows a multiple selection ofrows 10-17 to hide. Figure 2A shows the editor with therows hidden. Notice that the row numbers indicate hidden rows byshowing a gap from rows 9-18.
HideRecord Headers: This optionhides the in-line headers suchas the PntNo, OcPt, FsPt, etc. The editor contains \"Smart Headers\"that changes with the type of data that is in the active row. Theseheaders are not in-line and are alwaysdisplayed at the top of the editor. Figure 2D shows the editorwith the recordheaders hidden and the Smart Header active. Row #21 containsthe active cell, the automatic header at the top of the editor showstraverse (TR) record headers.
COGOCommand:Adds quick COGO command entry functionality to the Raw File editor.Once a dropdown function is chosen within the spreadsheet, theappropriate column heading titles and cell descriptions are filled in.This first COGO Command figure below shows the result of choosing theCOGO function CSE, which represents the record type Control StandardError.
Process (Compute Pts) MenuThis menu contains tools to process raw data by variousmethods. The calculated coordinates, and notes if specified, arestored to the active specified coordinate file. The coordinatefile can be specified using SetCoordinate File, under the Pointspulldown within the drawing screen, or from the Tools menu of theeditor, discussed later in this section. The options for processing arespecified within either the Process Options dialog box or the ClosureOptions dialog box, depending upon . This dialog box isdisplayed before processing data, using any of the available methods,with the exception being the Least Squares method.
Point Protect: This option will check the coordinate (.CRD)file for existing point databefore processing. If the foresight point number for any traverse orsideshot record already is astored coordinate in the coordinate (.CRD) file, then the program showsa list of conflicting pointnumbers. You can either continue processing and overwrite thecoordinate (.CRD) file coordinates withthe calculated raw file coordinates or cancel the processing to go backto the editor to changeforesight numbers.
To create a report, select data from the Available list and thenselect the Add button. This will populate the Used field with theselected data. Standard window selection methods can be used whenselecting the data to report. Holding the ctrl key whileselecting data allows for making random selections. Holding theshift key while selecting data will select the first item picked, lastitem picked and all items between. With Columnar format\"checked\" on, the report is displayed as follows:
The Auto-Widthoption displays each column width based upon the data contained withinit. The FixedWidth option allows for a specified column width for each fieldof data. Totals Only: Thisoption does not apply to the process raw data results but isuseful in other reports to report total values of certain data.Total: This field reports totals forvarious combinations of the attributes selected to report.
There are options to export to a New, Current or Existing excelfile. The Newoption will create a new excel file and will begin populating the fileat the Starting Row and Column specified. The Current optionwill export the data to the current open excel file and will beginpopulating the file at the starting row and column specified. TheExistingoption will export the data to an existing excel file and will beginpopulating the file at the starting row and column specified. Ifexporting to a New or Existing MS Excel file, a file name needs to bespecified or selected. To specify the name of the Sheet forexporting to within the MS Excel spreadsheet type the name of the sheetin the sheet field. The Start Row and Col, tells theexportroutine where to start populating the specified MS Excel file. The Mirror Outputoptionorganizes the data exported in rows instead of columns. The IncludeText Lines option exports the header information and theclosure information to the MS Excel file. 153554b96e