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3-D graphical modeling has fed into the design and fabrication process in many ways. Graphic modeling provides quick and inexpensive visualization of design and fabrication options, should design begin to approach the cost of prototype fabrication. However, the adoption of architectural modeling by the architectural community has been minimal. Architectural modeling itself has been limited to irregular, disciplinary applications (e.g. interior design, civil engineering, landscape and planning) and to a few specialized types of applications (e.g. furniture design, mechanical and plumbing specification.) This paper raises the issue of the potential contribution of architectural modeling to educational and academic architectural design. The paper argues that the discipline of architectural modeling can provide opportunities for research and design education, can stimulate design literacy, and can contribute to the design and design documentation process.
The architectural discipline lacks the formal tools that have proved effective in design education, engineering, product development and services. Architectural design has been constrained by inefficient and inadequate tools. There is a need for a different type of design process that will overcome the problems in the organization, communication, documentation and evaluation of a design project.
With a growing prison inmate population, it is critical to ensure the security, safety, and well-being of inmate populations. In some states, inmates are routinely released on parole, and the need to supervise these individuals often triggers high levels of anxiety in both correctional officers and parole agents. The desire to provide appropriate conditions for inmate populations is being realized in correctional institutions, but even with a greater understanding of the issues, the design and construction of those institutions can be a daunting task. As the design process spirals down in the proportion of the building's life cycle, the need for effective design and construction systems is enormous. While cautionary measures that might be of great importance in the design of a single-family residence are often abrogated in the design of a high security prison, so too are many important design factors. The results of years of research into appropriate design systems will be briefly presented. d2c66b5586