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The ISD81/ISO4833 method is used to study the hot forming of the plate-shaped products. The results, including the surface roughness, the shape error and also the fatigue life, show the highest forming accuracy./radiativäristä risua kommenttit
Infectious diseases caused by the bacterial agents of zoonosis are one of the most important health problems all over the world. Among these pathogens, the agents of brucellosis have been one of the most important factors that are still today being considered important.
Thermoplastic materials with very high glass transition temperature, such as polyethylene and superheated polyethylene, are the most useful engineering plastics. Therefore, it is of great interest to create composite materials where a polymeric matrix is reinforced with very high-strength mineral fillers to achieve satisfactory mechanical properties of those composite materials and also the osteogenicity of those composite materials in vivo.
In this paper, the authors present the use of a novel additive manufacturing approach based on a powder bed fusion (PBF) technique for the fabrication of customized orthodontic appliances utilizing reinforced polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and yttrium-stabilized zerovalent iron (thorium dioxide, ThO2) nano-composites. d2c66b5586