Belles On Their Toes Ernestine Gilbreth Carey [PORTABLE]
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The title is based on the line "Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes" in the nursery rhyme "Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross" and alludes to the marriages of the Gilbreth sisters: "It was apparent that in order to get rings on their fingers, belles would have to be on their toes."[1]
The American title is perhaps a tribute to the marriage of one of the Gilbreth twins, Ernestine, in 1888, who eventually frequented New York society, and to the spanish song, the title of which is: Bellas y Negras, ambas y dos (Two Belles and Two Negros)
The title is based on the line “Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes” in the nursery rhyme “Ride a cock horse to Banbury cross” and alludes to the marriages of the Gilbreth sisters: “It was apparent that in order to get rings on their fingers, belles would have to be on their toes.”[1]
The title is based on the nursery rhyme “Bells on her fingers and bells on her toes” and on the marriages of the Feralda Gilbreth sisters. (A footnote added to a footnote cites the tune “‘ Belles on their toes’, as sung by Edwin Flaten.) d2c66b5586