An Introduction To Psychological Science Krause Pdf Free ##BEST##
An Introduction To Psychological Science Krause Pdf Free ->->->->
While the demographic variables may explain some of the observed voting patterns, psychological factors play a more important role. A psychologist may study the extent to which voters are influenced by their moods, emotions, or other psychological phenomena. Voters will often vote because of the events occurring during the election, such as the candidates' remarks. People who are seeking a job may be more likely to vote for a political candidate who has promised to improve the economy. Voters may choose a political candidate based on how they feel. A person may vote for a candidate they perceive to be more competent and better able to perform the job. Similarly, voters may choose to vote for a candidate simply because they like that candidate and/or because they like the candidate’s party. Other psychological factors, such as authoritarianism, may also affect voters’ political choices. Authoritarians have been shown to be more likely to vote for right-wing candidates.[6]
There are many psychological factors that may affect voters’ choices. In a field experiment, psychologists may show voters images of candidates and ask them to choose the person who best fits their beliefs. One study of this sort was conducted at the University of Iowa in 1994. A sample of 206 voters who were given a list of the political beliefs of different candidates were asked to choose their top-three choices; 94% chose their top choice.[7] Further, in a separate study, participants were asked to judge the competence and viability of the candidates. Results showed that the experimenters’ assessments of the candidates’ competence and viability were correlated with the participants’ choices. In addition, participants' political orientations were also correlated with their choices.
Political psychology is a discipline that has contributed to the analysis of how the electorate makes decisions in the past and present. Researchers in this area have focused on a wide range of electoral behavior including voting behavior, political knowledge, political preferences, the effect of beliefs, and attitudes and behavior of voters and political candidates. 827ec27edc